COVID 19 policy

Falmouth River Watersports takes your health and welfare, and that of our instructors and staff, very seriously.
Our equipment is cleaned after use following the latest advice from the government, the RYA, and in accordance with the manufactures instructions.
In accordance with published advice you should;
Maintain 2m social distancing at all times.
Use your own clothing including wetsuits when undertaking water based activities.
Arrived changed or change in your vehicle, there are no changing facilities on site.
Wash your hands immediately before and after using our equipment, sanitizer will also be available.
Be able to launch and recover your own equipment from the storage area to the water, and return all used equipment to the cleaning area after use.
When taking part in an activity at Falmouth River Watersports in addition to our standard terms you will be agreeing that:
You or a member of your group or household is not awaiting a test or a test result for COVID19.
You or a member of your group or household have not within the 14 days prior to your session displayed signs or symptoms of the COVID19 virus.
You or a member of your group or household have not within the 14 days prior to your session had contact with someone displaying signs or symptoms of COVID19 and/or anyone undertaking self-isolation for COVID19.
You and members of your group will adhere to social distancing before, during and after the session.
You are aware, should the need arise, that you are responsible for your own self rescue and that should you or your party require assistance your instructor or a rescue boat crew may have to break the 2m social distancing rule.
It is not possible to mitigate entirely against the risk of contracting COVID19; Falmouth River Watersports and its members and staff will not be liable in any way for any losses, damage or other claims whatsoever arising from the contracting of COVID19 whilst engaging in any of our activities and/or sessions and/or hiring of our kit.
By signing for responsibility of the vessel you confirm that you agree to be bound by these Terms and Conditions.